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- Diffs against KA9Q S930104 -source set for creating OH1MQK [mea@utu.fi]
- features -- and his DDLC card driver, and new encoding type ("HDLC")...
- Files ddlc.c, ddlc.h, ddlcvec.s, ddlc.txt, ddlc.doc, ddlctest.c, rawhdlc.c
- and rawhdlc.h are provided separately. (ddlcpack.lzh)
- Phil had made (in display.c) the query of actual screen size, and thus there
- is no longer need for OH1MQK mod for it -- in stdio.c...
- (Try with DOS 4/5: MODE CON LINES=50, and then start NET)
- Rundown:
- config.h: Added DDLC-, and RAWHDLC-options, turned this & that on..
- config.c: Added DDLC and RAWHDLC -drivers, and couple of *_helper()-
- routines. ( attach_helper(), start_helper(), stop_helper() )
- commands.h: Added DDLC and RAWHDLC related commans.
- cmdparse.c: Added new feature into cmdparse() -routine: it can call up
- *_helper() -routines if needed.
- netuser.c: Corrected IP-number parsing to conform usual Internet style:
- 127.1 ==, NOT !
- *** config.h 1992/12/28 09:05:29 1.22
- --- config.h 1993/01/06 03:31:32
- ***************
- *** 9,19 ****
- #define RIP 1 /* Include RIP routing */
- #define HOPCHECK 1 /* IP path tracing command */
- #define DIALER 1 /* SLIP redial code */
- ! #undef NRS 1 /* NET/ROM async interface */
- ! #undef NETROM 1 /* NET/ROM network support */
- #undef LZW 1 /* LZW-compressed sockets */
- #define SLIP 1 /* Serial line IP on built-in ports */
- ! #undef PPP 1 /* Point-to-Point Protocol code */
- #define VJCOMPRESS 1 /* Van Jacobson TCP compression for SLIP */
- #define TRACEBACK 1 /* Stack traceback code */
- #undef LOCSOCK 1 /* Local loopback sockets */
- --- 9,19 ----
- #define RIP 1 /* Include RIP routing */
- #define HOPCHECK 1 /* IP path tracing command */
- #define DIALER 1 /* SLIP redial code */
- ! #define NRS 1 /* NET/ROM async interface */
- ! #define NETROM 1 /* NET/ROM network support */
- #undef LZW 1 /* LZW-compressed sockets */
- #define SLIP 1 /* Serial line IP on built-in ports */
- ! #define PPP 1 /* Point-to-Point Protocol code */
- #define VJCOMPRESS 1 /* Van Jacobson TCP compression for SLIP */
- #define TRACEBACK 1 /* Stack traceback code */
- #undef LOCSOCK 1 /* Local loopback sockets */
- ***************
- *** 31,46 ****
- #undef HS 1 /* High speed (56kbps) modem driver */
- #undef HAPN 1 /* Hamilton Area Packet Network driver code */
- #undef EAGLE 1 /* Eagle card driver */
- ! #undef PI 1 /* PI card driver */
- #define PACKET 1 /* FTP Software's Packet Driver interface */
- #undef PC100 1 /* PAC-COM PC-100 driver code */
- #undef APPLETALK 1 /* Appletalk interface (Macintosh) */
- ! #undef DRSI 1 /* DRSI PCPA slow-speed driver */
- #undef SCC 1 /* PE1CHL generic scc driver */
- #define ASY 1 /* Asynch driver code */
- ! #undef SLFP 1 /* SLFP packet driver class supported */
- ! #define CDMA_DM 1 /* CDMA mobile DM interface */
- #undef QTSO 1 /* CDMA QTSO data interface */
- #if defined(NRS)
- #undef NETROM
- --- 31,48 ----
- #undef HS 1 /* High speed (56kbps) modem driver */
- #undef HAPN 1 /* Hamilton Area Packet Network driver code */
- #undef EAGLE 1 /* Eagle card driver */
- ! #define PI 1 /* PI card driver */
- #define PACKET 1 /* FTP Software's Packet Driver interface */
- #undef PC100 1 /* PAC-COM PC-100 driver code */
- #undef APPLETALK 1 /* Appletalk interface (Macintosh) */
- ! #define DRSI 1 /* DRSI PCPA slow-speed driver */
- #undef SCC 1 /* PE1CHL generic scc driver */
- #define ASY 1 /* Asynch driver code */
- ! #undef SLFP 1 /* SLFP packet driver class supported */
- ! #undef CDMA_DM 1 /* CDMA mobile DM interface */
- #undef QTSO 1 /* CDMA QTSO data interface */
- + #define DDLC 1 /* OH1MQK's DDLC-card driver [mea@utu.fi] */
- + #define AX25 1 /* the DDLC card can do without as well.. */
- #if defined(NRS)
- #undef NETROM
- ***************
- *** 58,63 ****
- --- 60,69 ----
- #if (defined(PC_EC) || defined(PACKET))
- #define ETHER 1 /* Generic Ethernet code */
- + #endif
- +
- + #if (defined(DDLC))
- + #define RAWHDLC 1 /* Raw HDLC framing on the link */
- #endif
- #if defined(CMDA_DM)
- *** config.c 1992/12/30 10:56:44 1.42
- --- config.c 1993/01/06 04:45:14
- ***************
- *** 48,53 ****
- --- 48,56 ----
- #ifdef QTSO
- #include "qtso.h"
- #endif
- + #ifdef RAWHDLC /* OH1MQK [mea@utu.fi] */
- + #include "rawhdlc.h"
- + #endif
- #ifdef CDMA_DM
- #include "dm.h"
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 57,62 ****
- --- 60,71 ----
- static int dostart __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- static int dostop __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- + static void attach_helper __ARGS((int argc, char *line));
- + #ifdef SERVERS
- + static void start_helper __ARGS((int argc, char *line));
- + static void stop_helper __ARGS((int argc, char *line));
- + #endif
- +
- #ifdef AX25
- static void axip __ARGS((struct iface *iface,struct ax25_cb *axp,char *src,
- char *dest,struct mbuf *bp,int mcast));
- ***************
- *** 98,105 ****
- --- 107,119 ----
- #ifdef ASY
- "asystat", doasystat, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- #endif
- + #if 1 /* [mea@utu.fi] I try my magic helper functions.. */
- + "attach", doattach, 0, -2,
- + (void*)attach_helper,
- + #else
- "attach", doattach, 0, 2,
- "attach <hardware> <hw specific options>",
- + #endif
- #ifdef AX25
- "ax25", doax25, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 118,123 ****
- --- 132,140 ----
- "close", doclose, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- /* This one is out of alpabetical order to allow abbreviation to "d" */
- "disconnect", doclose, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- + #ifdef DDLC
- + "ddlc", do_ddlc, 0, 2, "ddlc <cmd>",
- + #endif
- "delete", dodelete, 0, 2, "delete <file>",
- "detach", dodetach, 0, 2, "detach <interface>",
- #ifdef DIALER
- ***************
- *** 220,228 ****
- --- 237,250 ----
- "smtp", dosmtp, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "socket", dosock, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- #ifdef SERVERS
- + #if 1 /* [mea@utu.fi] Try start_helper(), stop_helper() */
- + "start", dostart, 0, -2, (void*)start_helper,
- + "stop", dostop, 0, -2, (void*)stop_helper,
- + #else
- "start", dostart, 0, 2, "start <servername>",
- "stop", dostop, 0, 2, "stop <servername>",
- #endif
- + #endif
- "tcp", dotcp, 0, 0, NULLCHAR,
- "telnet", dotelnet, 1024, 2, "telnet <address>",
- #ifdef notdef
- ***************
- *** 321,326 ****
- --- 343,357 ----
- " <intack> <vec> [p]<clock> [hdwe] [param]\n"
- "attach scc <chan> slip|kiss|nrs|ax25ui|ax25i <label> <mtu> <speed> <bufsize> [call] ",
- #endif
- + #ifdef DDLC
- + "ddlc", ddlc_attach, 0, 5,
- + "attach ddlc init <memaddr> <vec> [<size>]\n"
- + "\tattach ddlc <chan> "
- + #ifdef AX25
- + "ax25|"
- + #endif
- + "hdlc <label> <mtu> <speed> <duplex> [ip-addr]",
- + #endif
- };
- ***************
- *** 659,664 ****
- --- 690,702 ----
- NULLFP, sl_dump, dd_init, dd_stat,
- #endif
- + #ifdef RAWHDLC /* [mea@utu.fi] */
- + "HDLC", hdlc_send, hdlc_output, NULL,
- + NULL, CL_NONE, 0, ip_proc,
- + NULLFP, ip_dump, NULLFP, NULLFP,
- + /* same DirectDialing, as with CDMA? */
- + #endif /* RAWHDLC */
- +
- NULL, -1, 0, NULLFP,
- ***************
- *** 712,717 ****
- --- 750,758 ----
- #ifdef SCC
- scctimer,
- #endif
- + #ifdef DDLC /* [mea@utu.fi] */
- + ddlctimer,
- + #endif
- };
- ***************
- *** 735,740 ****
- --- 776,784 ----
- #ifdef SCC
- sccstop,
- #endif
- + #ifdef DDLC /* [mea@utu.fi] */
- + ddlcstop,
- + #endif
- uchtimer, /* Unlink timer handler from timer chain */
- };
- ***************
- *** 905,911 ****
- --- 949,1027 ----
- }
- #endif /* !defined(VJCOMPRESS) && defined(ASY) */
- +
- + static void
- + attach_helper(argc,line)
- + int argc;
- + char *line;
- + {
- + struct cmds *cmdp = Attab;
- + int col = 0, siz;
- +
- + printf("attach <device> <arg(s)> -- with possible devices:\n");
- + for (;cmdp->name;++cmdp) {
- + if (col == 0) printf(" ");
- + siz = strlen(cmdp->name);
- + printf("%s ",cmdp->name);
- + col += siz + 1;
- + if (col > 60) {
- + printf("\n");
- + col = 0;
- + }
- + }
- + if (col)
- + printf("\n");
- + }
- +
- +
- #ifdef SERVERS
- + static void
- + start_helper(argc,line)
- + int argc;
- + char *line;
- + {
- + struct cmds *cmdp = Startcmds;
- + int col = 0, siz;
- +
- + printf("start <service> -- with possible services:\n");
- + for (;cmdp->name;++cmdp) {
- + if (col == 0) printf(" ");
- + siz = strlen(cmdp->name);
- + printf("%s ",cmdp->name);
- + col += siz + 1;
- + if (col > 60) {
- + printf("\n");
- + col = 0;
- + }
- + }
- + if (col)
- + printf("\n");
- + }
- +
- + static void
- + stop_helper(argc,line)
- + int argc;
- + char *line;
- + {
- + struct cmds *cmdp = Stopcmds;
- + int col = 0, siz;
- +
- + printf("stop <service> -- with possible services:\n");
- + for (;cmdp->name;++cmdp) {
- + if (col == 0) printf(" ");
- + siz = strlen(cmdp->name);
- + printf("%s ",cmdp->name);
- + col += siz + 1;
- + if (col > 60) {
- + printf("\n");
- + col = 0;
- + }
- + }
- + if (col)
- + printf("\n");
- + }
- +
- +
- static int
- dostart(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- *** commands.h 1992/12/28 09:04:56 1.13
- --- commands.h 1993/01/06 04:14:10
- ***************
- *** 28,33 ****
- --- 28,39 ----
- /* In bootpd.c */
- int bootpdcmd __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- + /* In ddlc.c: [mea@utu.fi] */
- + int do_ddlc __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- + int ddlc_attach __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- + void ddlctimer __ARGS((void)); /* XX: ?? */
- + void ddlcstop __ARGS(()); /* XX: ?? */
- +
- /* In dialer.c: */
- int dodialer __ARGS((int argc,char *argv[],void *p));
- *** cmdparse.c 1992/05/01 08:20:24 1.4
- --- cmdparse.c 1993/01/06 04:03:22
- ***************
- *** 8,13 ****
- --- 8,16 ----
- * bit16cmd for PPP
- * Mar '91 - Glenn McGregor
- * handle string escaped sequences
- + * Jul '92 - Matti Aarnio, OH1MQK [mea]
- + * if argcmin < 0, then argc_errmsg is a pointer to
- + * a helper routine which uses arguments: argc, line
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "global.h"
- ***************
- *** 188,193 ****
- --- 191,202 ----
- printf("Usage: %s\n",cmdp->argc_errmsg);
- return -1;
- }
- + /* [mea] If NEGATIVE argcmin, call a procedure to report an error! */
- + if(argc < -(cmdp->argcmin)) {
- + /* Insufficient arguments */
- + (*(void(*)())cmdp->argc_errmsg)(argc,line);
- + return -1;
- + }
- if(cmdp->func == NULLFP)
- return 0;
- if(cmdp->stksize == 0){
- ***************
- *** 245,250 ****
- --- 254,265 ----
- if(argc < cmdp->argcmin){
- if(cmdp->argc_errmsg != NULLCHAR)
- printf("Usage: %s\n",cmdp->argc_errmsg);
- + return -1;
- + }
- + /* [mea@utu.fi] */
- + if(argc < -(cmdp->argcmin)) {
- + /* Insufficient arguments */
- + (*(void(*)())cmdp->argc_errmsg)(argc,argv);
- return -1;
- }
- if(cmdp->stksize == 0){
- *** netuser.c 1992/06/21 08:42:10 1.2
- --- netuser.c 1993/01/06 05:02:50
- ***************
- *** 11,26 ****
- /* Convert Internet address in ascii dotted-decimal format ( to
- * binary IP address
- */
- int32
- aton(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- ! int32 n;
- register int i;
- n = 0;
- if(s == NULLCHAR)
- return 0;
- for(i=24;i>=0;i -= 8){
- --- 11,28 ----
- /* Convert Internet address in ascii dotted-decimal format ( to
- * binary IP address
- + * [mea@utu.fi]: Remember that == 127.1 -- in most systems anyway!
- */
- int32
- aton(s)
- register char *s;
- {
- ! int32 n, m;
- register int i;
- n = 0;
- + m = 0; /* [mea@utu.fi] */
- if(s == NULLCHAR)
- return 0;
- for(i=24;i>=0;i -= 8){
- ***************
- *** 29,40 ****
- s++;
- if(*s == '\0')
- break;
- ! n |= (int32)atoi(s) << i;
- if((s = strchr(s,'.')) == NULLCHAR)
- break;
- s++;
- }
- ! return n;
- }
- /* Convert an internet address (in host byte order) to a dotted decimal ascii
- * string, e.g.,\0
- --- 31,43 ----
- s++;
- if(*s == '\0')
- break;
- ! m = (int32)atoi(s);
- if((s = strchr(s,'.')) == NULLCHAR)
- break;
- + n |= m << i;
- s++;
- }
- ! return n | m;
- }
- /* Convert an internet address (in host byte order) to a dotted decimal ascii
- * string, e.g.,\0